My Philosophy

Hello there! I’m Alex Parker, and I’m the voice behind ‘My Acrostic Poems.’ My love for words and their power has always driven me to write. Acrostic poems are special because each line kicks off with a meaningful letter, making every poem a journey from A to Z.

The Blog’s Purpose

‘My Acrostic Poems’ is where I share this journey with you. It’s a place to enjoy the simple pleasure of words and to see the world through the patterns they create. This blog aims to bring acrostic poetry closer to people who love words as much as I do.

The Community

Here, it’s not just about what I write. It’s about what we all can share and appreciate. Whether you’re a reader or a writer, there’s a spot for you to join in. Read the poems, share your views, and let’s make this blog a gathering place for lovers of acrostic poetry.

Invitation to Connect

I invite you to explore the poems, find ones that speak to you, and share them with others. If you feel inspired, reach out. ‘My Acrostic Poems’ is about connection—through words, through letters, through shared experiences. Welcome aboard!